Monday, January 11, 2010

Make stapler.

I have so many staplers but they are so ugly. I couldn't bring myself to buy a new one because I knew it was a waste of money so I just decided to paint one. "Perfect for doing the Gator chomp!"

It's even got a little tongue!

Make picture frames.

I've recently been buying unfinished picture frames and...well...finishing them. I'm sticking with the pink and green theme.

I actually got the frame at Micheals for this one. I found that adorable wooden turtle and repainted it. Then I stuck a great picture from Delta Zeta Woodser and I'm good to go.

I made this after big/ little reveal. I found this frame at Target and it was just perfect for my family!

I've also been learning how to use a scroll let's see how that turns out. I was calling it squirrel saw for the longest time. Thankfully someone finally corrected me.